District – administrative-territorial unit in the Rotary world.
Governor of District operates under the auspices of the Board of Rotary International . Its main objective – to promote the essence of Rotary by providing leadership shown by the county, the continuity of the ex-governors, the current and future governors of the increasing effectiveness of the clubs.
Assistants (assistants) Governor is representative of the governor in their respective regions.
Secretary of District is reporting attendance and membership, the analysis of statistical data, study secretaries keeps a permanent working relationship with the secretaries and clubs, the governor performs a one-time order.
Treasurer of District is a member of the finance committee, records income and expenditure of funds in the county. According to the financial report is the end of the Rotary year.
Head for Rotary Training Committee (district trainer) during the year is responsible for conducting training seminars at various levels and direction of and participation in Rotary. The Committee is preparing a substantial part of seminars and conferences.
Administrator of District site creates and maintains the site of District, performs a function editor, organizer and coordinator of news and information resource.
Committees district
Board of governors (council of governors). It consists of ex-governors. Advisory body.
Nominating committee (nominating committee). It composed of the most famous and experienced rotarians, uniformly representing geographic districts for pre-election of governors.
Budget and planning (budget and planning). The finance committee, which fulfills the budget and on the committees of the funds under the auspices of the governor
Awards and distinctions (club awards and resolutions). The committee on rewards and recognition of rotary works with the club president, the heads of the committees, assistant governors.
Pr (public relations). Coordination of improving the image of rotary through publications and tv reports about the affairs of rotary and local rotary clubs.
Rotary directions activity
International activities (international service)
Subcommittee: international humanitarian projects (world community service). It helps clubs carry out international humanitarian projects, including through the rotary foundation, through the establishment of partnerships for joint projects and the secondment of volunteers.
Subcommittee youth exchanges (youth exchange). It promotes and carries out the whole process of youth exchanges, provides training to the departing students, engaged in sending and receiving them, communicating with them.
Subcommittee: friendship exchanges (friendship exchange). Establishes and maintains friendships with rotarians from other countries: informal exchanges, catering and accommodation in the family of rotary.
Rotary union partner and professions (rotary fellowships). Informal associations by profession and interests.
Social- charitable work (community service)
Subcommittee: interact (interact). It assists in the formation and intereakta activities for children 14-18 years.
Subcommittee: rotaract (rotaract). It provides clubs with the formation of rotaract clubs for young people 18-30 years.
Subcommittee: young leaders (ryla). Holds meeting of young leaders of rotary, develop leadership skills in adolescents.
Professional and ethical work (vocational service). The committee promotes the highest ethical principles rotarians, introduces the 4-questionnaire and the declaration of rotarians. Conducts career.
Inner club activity (club service)
Formation of the membership base (membership development). Implementation of the plan of qualitative replenishment of clubs, to provide practical assistance to visiting clubs, clubs providing methodological literature on the formation of the membership base.
Formation of new clubs (extension). Subcommittee initiative helps local groups to take shape in rotary clubs based on the regulations. Oversees the district clubs to form the membership base.
Rotary foundation, district
Rotary foundation
Committee plans, coordinates and summarizes county work under the auspices of the governor.
Software foundation (education)
Polioplus (polioplus). Subcommittee coordinates clubs work on global polio eradication program.
Professional and educational exchanges (group study exchange). Subcommittee plans and coordinates inter-district professional and educational exchanges, carries out the selection and training of candidates for this exchange, plans to stay abroad group in the country.
Ambassadorial scholarships (ambassadorial scholarships). Subcommittee plans, implements and monitors the accuracy and consistency of training seconded fellows. Organize the reception and accommodation of arriving fellows.
Rotary centers for international affairs of the maintenance of peace and conflict resolution (rotary centers for international studies in peace and conflict resolution). Subcommittee helping the most talented and trained students to get a master’s degree (1-2 years) or a certificate of completion of the program on international relations in one of the seven centers on international issues.
Rotary grants for university professors. Subcommittee prepares and commander of university professors to teach in one of the third world countries up to 10 months.
Former members of rotary programs (alumni). The committee works with ex-rotariants who traveled abroad program of the rotary foundation and rotary represent growth reserve
Software foundation (human)
Matching grants (matching grants). Subcommittee assists clubs participating humanitarian method of clubbing programs.
3-h (health, hunger and humanity). A large-scale program of health and the fight against hunger, designed for 2-4 years. The ultimate goal of the program – self-sufficiency of those who assisted.
Individual grants (individual grants). Subcommittee helps clubs to receive and send volunteers to plan large-scale projects in another country.
District simplified grants (district simplified grants). Subcommittee helps clubs carry out humanitarian projects with the involvement of district funds.
Fund to finance club projects (the annual programs fund). The sub-committee coordinates the work to raise funds for humanitarian and educational projects within the framework of rotary ‘100 dollars annually from every rotarian, “in other donations, including paul harris fellow program ($ 1,000).